Blessing to All My Relations

Ariane Lydon

Who do you know who speaks at least 3 languages, has lived in several countries, performed between Renaissance Fairs year-round for 10 years, writes & sings profoundly deep & moving songs, and can play the harp & the 12-string guitar simultaneouslyAriane Lydon and no one else (to my knowlege)! Living in the Midwest for a couple decades now, Ariane brings a world of beautiful music to our land.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Church of England, Non-affiliated

All featured music is written and performed by Ariane Lydon, and all of them are previously unreleased:
The Sun In Our Heart - watch the video
Snuggle All Day With You
The Migrant Trail
Trumpeter Swan
All My Relations

Broadcast Date(s)


Ariane Lydon


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