In Union We Are Strong - Si Kahn

February 23, 2021

Si Kahn is a powerful singer/songwriter - and an historian, capturing the actions and lives of those who are working for a better world. With over 40 years fighting and singing for civil rights, worker's rights, he speaks with experience and authority. His newest book is Creative Community Organizing: A Guide for Rabble-Rousers, Activists & Quiet Lovers of Justice and his latest CD is Courage. Si comes from strong Jewish roots.

Rolling Wheelchair Blues - Mike Hamer's Song of the Soul

February 23, 2021

Mike Hamer is a singer/songwriter from Greenville, North Carolina, who performs a rich variety of music, often as part of Mike Hamer and the Rhinoceroses with the Angelic Choir. Until an accident left him a quadriplegic, Mike had played guitar and bass, but found that the hammer dulcimer worked for him afterwards. He's an inspired and inspirational musician and songwriter.

Mike died December, 2017.