North Wood Blues as it Should Be - Nick Foytik

March 14, 2024

Nick Foytik brings with him music deeply marinaded in blues, soul, and rock n' roll, something not-so-common in Wisconsin's north woods where Nick grew up. Nick has been building his chops for some 20 years, and yet it's really only the past few years when he's really launched his music career full-scale, still focused mostly in the upper Midwest. In addition to his solo gigs and those with his Nick Foytik Band, he continues to work as a guitar for hire.

Feeling the World's Heart with Dead Horses & Dan Wolff

November 3, 2023

Dan Wolff, along with Sarah Vos, have been the stable nucleus of Dead Horses since the band's inception. I interviewed Sarah back in 2016, fell in love with their music, so I'm so excited to have Dan here to share more of the riches they've created in the ensuing 7 years. Every song they share is an opportunity to feel deeply the heart of the world, and to be part of its healing as well.