ICE Fights Global Warming - Interfaith Community for the Earth

February 23, 2021

Dan Dieterich is a founding member of ICE - Interfaith Community for the Earth, an organization formed to fight global warming and promote ecological well-beling. ICE is a member of Wisconsin Interfaith Power & Light. Working at the local level, ICE is a good example of how a small group of folks can harness their energy, in community, to bring about the big changes our world needs.

The Triumph of Technique: The Industrialization of Agriculture & The Destruction of Rural America

February 23, 2021

Dan Dieterich is a founding member of ICE - Interfaith Community for the Earth, an organization formed to fight global warming and promote ecological well-beling. ICE is a member of Wisconsin Interfaith Power & Light. Working at the local level, ICE is a good example of how a small group of folks can harness their energy, in community, to bring about the big changes our world needs.

Norman Morrison's Self-immolation - Anne Morrison Welsh

February 23, 2021
Anne Morrison Welsh was left with 3 kids when Norman Morrison self-immolated in protest of the Vietnam War on 11/2/1965. Anne has written "Held in the Light: Norman Morrison's Sacrifice for Peace and His Family's Journey of Healing" about her experience. It has included continued peace work, a visit to Vietnam, and continued growth and insight.

Paying for Peace/War Tax Resistance - Patricia Washburn and Perry Treadwell

February 23, 2021
A visit with 2 long-time war tax resisters. Patricia Washburn is a religious peace educator, a seminary graduate though never ordained. She testified to Congress for the Peace Tax Fund after the IRS took her house for taxes. Perry Treadwell got a special leading from a verse of Robert Frost when he was 42 and quit his tenured position in microbiology, and found a beautiful life of service. Both address the fears and gifts of decades of war tax resistance.