Gender Outlaws in the Bible

February 23, 2021

Peterson Toscano, using wit, humor & theater, illuminates non-conforming gender roles in the Bible, reclaiming existence for a variety of folks ignored & silenced by the mainstream. With his winning humor and incisive vision, Peterson found acceptance for his revolutionary insights when presenting at the joint 2012 conference of the Society of Biblical Literature/American Academy of Religion. His newest theater production is Jesus Had 2 Daddies.

Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay Equality

February 23, 2021

Mel White is an eloquent, incisive, and compassionate voice exposing the lies of the Christian Right. This is something he knows from the inside, having ghost-written "autobiographies" for Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and others, before he accepted his homosexualtity as a gift from God, rather than a sin to be obliterated.

The Children of Mother Glory

February 23, 2021
Michele (C.M.) Harris has written a probing and powerful novel involving issues of sexual identity, pacifism and toxicity in the environment over the past 100 years. With multiple protagonists facing a world that is judgmental to gay/lesbian/trans/pacifist people, Michele takes us for a walk in the shoes of the "other", helping us to understand the issues from many directions.

Bonnie Tinker - Love Makes A Family

February 23, 2021

Bonnie Tinker has been an equality activist most of her life, with a special calling to work for the rights of gay and lesbian families. She has spearheaded many initiatives including Love Makes A Family, an organization which supports non-traditional parents and children and seeks to protect their rights, gay or straight. The daughter of a Methodist preacher turned Quaker, Bonnie has Spirit at the heart of her work.